The Children’s Programe: Pilgrimage

On a very wet Friday evening, 23 young people arrived in Committee Room A ready to begin a weekend of activities based around the theme of pilgrimage, a concept familiar to both Christians and Muslims.

Introductions were made, and new friendships formed as we got to know one another and find out where we had all come from. The children learned a new song called ‘We are pilgrims’ written by Philip Fox, and were told a story of a pilgrim from many, many years ago. The young people (12 and over) then went off to do their own thing with Sharon and Tony Harbottle.

Over the weekend we painted our feet and made a footprint poster; we painted glass candle holders to symbolize Jesus being the light of the world, and door hangers and key-rings to symbolize modern day pilgrims that use cars and stay in hotels (much more civilized I think).

On Saturday afternoon the rain dried up for an hour or so enabling us to go outside and play football, rounders and skim stones across the lake. Some of us had the energy to play with the parachute.

Saturday evening was a late night for most as we stayed up to watch the DVD, Prince Caspian, the follow-up film to the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe from the Narnia trilogy.

In their spare moments, the children found time to write their own puppet script, which they presented at the Sunday final service.

We consumed many sweeties and, hopefully, the children enjoyed it as much as I did, and will want to come again next year.

I just want to say a big thank-you to Rita Bennet and Rania Yousef who were fantastic.

Joyce Kimberlee

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