Bethlehem Appeal
It is clear that the situation in Bethlehem is desperate. Bethlehem relies on tourism. The COVID pandemic hit the town hard, and it was only beginning to recover when the events of October 7th drove away all the tourists once again. People have no reserves to fall back on.

Usually packed Star Street empty of tourists
Bethlehem is the largest Christian Community of the Holy Land and as a result Christians are especially vulnerable at present, however the situation is also very difficult for Muslims in Bethlehem. Many Muslims also relied upon tourism.

Church of the Nativity empty of pilgrims
For Methodism Bethlehem is also a familiar place, a place where we have good access through the Methodist Liaison Office. One of the roles of the office is to work closely with a number of projects who directly support some of the poorest and most vulnerable people of Bethlehem.

Manager Square with shops closed
Recognising the very difficult situation for the people of Bethlehem in early 2024, and especially the Christian Community – MWM is launching an appeal to support the people there. Working through organisations in the West Bank, which Methodism already supports we are able to get money to people with the minimum of administration (and costs borne by MWM). We anticipate that this fund will be open for a limited time.
Please support this appeal:
On line donations can be made to: Methodists for World Mission A/C 32545445 Virgin Money 05-02-42
Cheques payable to Methodists for World Mission can be sent to 13 Meadow Close, Middleton-in-Teesdale, Co Durham. DL12 0TW
Donations can be gift aided:
To gift Aid your donation either email moc.liamtohnull@drawoh_d_nhoj or send the following wording with cheque. Please only complete this if your gift is eligible for Gift Aid.
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