Northern Conference 2019 “Independence or Isolation: Mission Post-Brexit”
Date 25/10/2019 - 27/10/2019
Venue Rydal Hall, Ambleside, Cumbria, LA22 9LX
The conference this year is entitled “Independence or Isolation: Mission Post-Brexit”. Whilst this may appear an enormous topic given the current uncertainty about the UK’s future relationship with Europe, we hope that the conference will explore the effects the Brexit discussions will have on our mission, both at home and overseas. In particular we hope to look at how, as Christians, we will continue to work together, both around the world and at home, to show God’s Kingdom. Did you know that the Joint Public Issues Team found that UK Methodists voted 50:50 to remain and leave? We believe that this conference is therefore a wonderful opportunity to put the arguments behind us and look to the future!
This year we are excited to welcome Mary Milne, Head of Campaigns and Communications at Traidcraft Exchange. Mary will use her experience to cover both UK and international aspects of Traidcraft Exchange’s work. We are also pleased to confirm that we will be welcoming Katie Kurilecz, Direct Marketing and Support Care Manager at All We Can (The Methodist Relief and Development Fund).
For any enquiries, or to book your place, please contact Alan Cunningham on ku.gro.tsaEN.MWMnull@nimdA